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簡介 Introductions
馬達及其驅動之流體機械用電約占工業部門的 67%。本技術快速開發高效率產品,搭配測試平台驗證產品品質,協助產業越過國際能效障礙。
The power consumption of motor-driven systems accounts for 67% in industrial use. This technology can improve the efficiency of motor-driven systems such as pumps, fans, blowers, and compressors.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 高效率設計、高精度量測、流機系統高效率運轉。
- 採用工作流體作為軸承潤滑,無須冷卻潤滑系統,使冷媒壓縮機組更為簡潔。
- 高能效流力元件設計技術,高於國際基準,可操作區間寬廣 ±10%。
- 正、負壓工況皆零洩漏之功效,解決潤滑系統洩漏之問題。
- Design、Measurement、Operation.
- Utilizing working fluid as bearing without cooling system.
- High efficiency impeller and volute design technology; Isentropic efficiency pass global standard; Operation region ±10%.
- Positive/Negative universal working condition without leakage.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 清水泵、鼓風機、離心冷媒壓縮機、螺桿空壓機與送風機等產業之效率改善技術服務。
- Applications : Pump, Blower, Centrifugal/Screw Refrigeration/Air Compressor, Fan.
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