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簡介 Introductions
整合多重物理耦合模擬分析,包含熱傳 / 氣流 / 電磁場 / 電漿 / 化學反應等,建立電漿製程反應數據資料庫且建構電漿診斷技術,包含蘭牟爾探針、GEA 離子能量分析模組及非侵入式射頻離子診斷等,以精準控制離子能量分佈,並優化加速電漿源開發時程。Integrates multi-physics modeling techniques such as thermal, flow, E/M, chemical reaction to create plasma database, and to develop plasma diagnostic technology such as Langmuir probe, GEA ion energy analyzer and non-invasive rf ion measurement technologies, to control precise ion energy distribution and to optimize plasma source module design.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 傳統電漿模組單頻偏壓所產生離子能量分佈過寬 ( IED > 45 eV),無法滿足原子層級製程 (ALE or ALD) 所 需。本創新技術建構偏壓混合波形調控模組,抑制電漿鞘層電位離散分佈,進而達到精準窄離子能量分佈 效果 (IED < 15 eV)。
- Traditional plasma modules with single-frequency bias voltage produce ion energy distributions that are too broad (IED > 45 eV) to meet the requirements of atomic layer processes (ALE or ALD). This innovative technology constructs a bias mixed waveform control module to suppress the discrete distribution of plasma sheath potential and achieve precise and narrow ion energy distribution (IED < 15 eV).
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 本創新技術可用以掌握電漿腔體特性,深入製程核心機制,應用於設備開發以及製程即時監控,同時電漿精準離子能量分佈控制技術,除先進半導體節點製程應用之外,也可運用於精微表處、mini-LED、SiC、Diamond和二維材料…等新興產業。
- This innovative technology can be used to understand plasma chamber characteristics and delve into the core mechanisms of processes. It can be applied to equipment development and real-time process monitoring. Furthermore, this technology can be used not only for advanced semiconductor node processes but also for emerging industries such as precision surface treatment, mini-LED, SiC, diamond, and 2D materials.
聯絡 contact
- 劉志宏 Chih-Hung Liu
- TEL:886-3-5917796
- FAX:886-3-5820043
- E-mail: stanliu@itri.org.tw

原子層級電漿ALE製程技術Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Etching Press Technology

ICP電漿源模擬分析 Inductively Coupled Plasma Simulation Analysis