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- 智慧車輛

簡介 Introductions
A total solution for design and development of EV transmission. Based on the different kinds of vehicle specifications and performance requirements, we offer customized design, such as gear ratio, case mounting positions and 2-speed transmission products, including the highly integrated 2-in-1 system composed of a motor and gear sets in one case.We also provide two kinds of Shifting mechanisms, the synchronizer and the clutch. The optimized design would be recommended through analyzing the system specifications by our team.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 95~220 kW 電動車齒輪箱
- 客製化駐車系統差速器
- 高效率及優秀NVH特性
- 輕量化設計
- 適用於轎車、SUV、輕型卡車
- 95 ~ 220 kW eDrive gearbox
- Customized design of parking system differential
- High efficiency and excellent NVH
- Compact and light weight
- Applicable to sedan, SUV and light truck
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 電動車傳動系統開發商
- For EV transmission system developer
聯絡 contact
- 楊正平 Cheng-Ping Yang
- TEL:+886-3-5915441
- FAX:+886-3-5826514
- E-mail: CPYang@itri.org.tw

EVS-150 : 150 kW單速齒輪箱 150 kW single speed gearbox

EBT-100 : 100 kW雙檔位變速箱 100kW two speed transmission