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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
Abstract:With the advancement of medical care and technology, countries around the world have entered an aging society, and Taiwan is no exception to the problem of an aging population. In addition to the aging of the agricultural population in Taiwan, Taiwan's agriculture is also facing a shortage of manpower due to the urban-rural gap that has led to the migration of rural people. Under such predicaments, the Ministry of Agriculture in Taiwan has promoted the “Intelligent Agriculture 4.0” initiative, which aims to address the shortage of agricultural labor through the development of intelligent agricultural technology, further enhance Taiwan's agricultural productivity, and narrow the urban-rural gap. This article will explain how to realize the navigation system and experimental results of intelligent agricultural robots in a simulation environment, including the kinematic model of intelligent agricultural robots and simulation experimental tests of the navigation system.
Keywords:Intelligent agricultural robot, Navigation system, Unmanned vehicles
目前地球人口約76億人,聯合國(The United Nations, UN)預測世界人口於2050年時增加至98億人,成長28.94%,屆時會面臨糧食短缺問題,在2050年前須將當前糧食生產能力增加一倍 [1][2]。另一方面,臺灣內政部(Ministry of the interior, R.O.C (Taiwan))於2018年表示臺灣在65歲以上老年人口占總人口比率突破14%,因此說明臺灣正式邁入高齡化社會,又[3]指出根據臺灣農業年報統計資料顯示在民國88年時臺灣地區農場經營主之平均年齡在65歲以上者占總農業人口之比率為32.5%,約每3個人就有一名高齡者,表示臺灣農業人口之高齡化。在[4]一文中提出鄉村人口外移主因是農民所得偏低、就業機會缺乏、鄉村的發展和建設不足,應透過農業現代化發展,包含發展農業生產設施等方法來縮短城鄉發展之差距。
臺灣在人口老化和少子化、農業人口外流下,臺灣的農業生產力受到顯著影響,因此臺灣農業部(Ministry of Agriculture)推動「智慧農業4.0」計畫欲透過智慧農業技術發展,其中包含生產智動化、省力智能機具開發等技術研究,進一步提升臺灣農業生產力[5]。因此開發研究智動化農業機器人(Agricultural Autonomous Robot)為臺灣農業近年發展目標之一,透過智動化農業機器人的協助可以減少農民在嚴苛勞動環境下(炎熱天氣、農藥噴灑)進行農事活動又可提高農業生產力。