觸覺感知導航內視鏡機器人(AI-driven Self-Navigating Miniature Serpentine Robotic System for Natural Orifice Tran)
機器人碰撞防護模組(Collision-sensing Module)
AI音頻非破壞檢測技術(Acoustic-based Non-Destructive AI Inspection)
金屬製品外觀品質AI鑑別與回饋模組(AI Identification and Feedback Module for Appearance Quality of Metal Products)
智慧分析量測系統(Intelligent Analysis and Measurement System)
RCC 機器人單元系統(Robot Cell Controller (RCC) System)
自主移動機器人與智慧車隊管理系統(AMR and Intelligent Fleet Management System)
線上即時3D視覺品質檢測系統(Online Real-Time 3D Vision Quality Inspection System)
導磁材料AI智慧檢測模組(AI Smart Magnetic Particle Inspection Module for Magnetically Conductive Materials)
高精度內嵌式智能減速機(Platform High-Precision Embedded Intelligent Gearbox)
設備預兆診斷技術(Prognosis Monitoring System, PMS)
電動重型機車(Electric Motorcycle )
礙子清洗無人機(Insulator Cleaning Drone)
自動駕駛技術(Autonomous Driving)
高效雙模態原子層鍍膜系統(High Efficiency Aspect ratio Deposition/Matrix ALD)