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簡介 Introductions
The traditional semiconductor doping activation annealing requires more than 900 degrees C, and as the line width decreases, it is easy to cause impurity diffusion. Therefore, microwave annealing was developed to overcome increasingly tight semiconductor thermal budgets. ITRI has pioneered the development of multimodal microwave annealing, which meets the low temperature annealing specifications for semiconductors.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 縱橫奇偶多重模態彌補低頻模態數之不足提升均勻性
- 對多微波源,開創微波之耦合模態,大幅提升微波均勻性。
- Enhances uniformity of insufficient low frequency modes which is compensated by the vertical, horizontal and odd-even multimode.
- Coupling modes is created for multiple microwave sources which can significantly enhance microwave uniformity.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 已與國內半導體大廠合作開發下世代半導體微波退火製程及設備,同時擴大應用至化工產業、食品加工業、及資源回收業之節能減碳應用。
- Collaboration with domestic semiconductor manufacturers to develop the next-generation semiconductor microwave annealing process and equipment, while expanding their application to energy-saving and carbon-reducing applications in the chemical industry, food processing industry, and resource recycling industry.
聯絡 contact
- 黃昆平 Kun-Ping Huang
- TEL:886-3-5919062
- FAX:886-3-5820456
- E-mail: kphuang@itri.org.tw
12晶圓微波退火 Microwave Annealing Tool for 12” Wafer