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簡介 Introductions
Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors (EDLCs) are limited by relatively low cell voltage, with a maximum voltage of 2.5 - 2.8 V in organic liquid electrolytes. MMSL has developed a machine where graphene nanowall electrodes (GNW/N-doped GNW) are directly grown vertically to create binder-free supercapacitors. The positive and negative electrodes provide a wide potential window up to 4.0 V and have better voltage tolerance compared to current activated carbon electrodes.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 使用電漿合成法直接成長及摻雜奈米石墨烯壁。
- 創新離子嵌入法提升奈米石墨烯壁之電容量。
- 最大工作電壓超過4.0伏特可與鋰電池直接並聯使用。
- Binder-free, directly grown and doping graphene nanowall via plasma synthesis method.
- Innovative intercalation method enhances capacitance of graphene nanowall.
- Maximum operating voltage over 4 V, which can be used in parallel with LIB batteries.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 4.0伏特奈米石墨烯壁超級電容器,壽命長且安全性佳,可廣泛應用於無人搬運車、導軌運輸車電源、醫療電源、軌道交通等儲能系統。
- Long life-span and increased safety 4V GNW EDLC can be widely used in energy storage systems for AGV/RGV, medical, automotive electronics and others.
聯絡 contact
- 黃昆平 Kun-Ping Huang
- TEL: 886-3-5919062
- FAX: 886-3-5820456
- E-mail: kphuang@itri.org.tw

工作電壓為4V之超級電容器 Supercapacitor with Max. Operating Voltage of 4V

超級電容器應用於蔬果運輸車 Supercapacitor Application in Fruit Transport Truck